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Sage Timeslips Anywhere Ideas Portal
Status Will not implement
Categories Reporting
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 30, 2024

Reports showing multiple weeks

When trying to run reports, we cannot see more than a week at a time. I use the filter of 10 days, but the report will only show one week maximum. I chatted with tech support (Pegg/live agent) and they said to suggest as a product suggestion since it doesn't seem to be able to function properly. The specific report I tried (but seems to be on any report I try) was Daily Slips Total by Timekeeper.

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  • Guest
    Mar 5, 2024

    Hi Tom... this report is close to what we need but it shows slip totals by dollar amount, not by hours. Is there are way to have it show hours as well? Or another report I can modify this way that shows hours?

  • Tom Hinds
    Mar 4, 2024

    The Daily Slip Totals by Timekeeper cannot show more than seven days (seven columns). But you have a couple options:

    1) You can try the Weekly Slip Totals by Timekeeper report, which shows totals for each week in each column.

    2) You can try the Slip Summary by Timekeeper report, with some modifications:

    • in the Filters section, set up a Date filter for the date range you are interested in

    • in the Sort section, first set up a sort for Timekeeper Nickname 1, with subtotals, and page break

    • also in the Sort section, set up second sort for Date, Subtotal Daily.

    This resulting report will including daily subtotals for each timekeeper on their own page.